Thursday, August 21, 2008

Yahoo! Opens up Buzz

Yahoo's Buzz social bookmarking service was built as a competitor to Digg, and even Yahoo's own social bookmarking services. For the first 6 months of its life, Buzz only worked with links from top publishers Yahoo! allowed into its system. Just this week, Yahoo! opened Buzz up to the whole internet. Now you can submit links from any web site.

If you want to add a Buzz link to your site, Yahoo! offers simple JavaScript badges you can embed on your page to let your visitors Buzz the page for you.

Though Yahoo! doesn't document how to build your own Buzz links, here's how it can be done using an URL. The basic syntax of the URL is:

Each of the values is described here:

  • submitUrl - The page URL your want to submit (with special characters escaped)

  • submitHeadline - The title of the page you're submitting (with spaces converted to + or %20)

  • submitSummary - The description of the page (with spaces converted to + or %20)

  • submitCategory - The category you want Yahoo! Buzz to list your page in. Possible categories are: business, entertainment, health, images, lifestyle, politics, science, sports, travel, usnews, video, or world_news

  • submitAssetType - The media type of your link. Possible types are: article (which they display as "Text"), image, or video.

Here's an example link to Buzz up this blog entry.

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