Operator | Finds tweets... |
twitter search | containing both "twitter" and "search". This is the default operator. |
"happy hour" | containing the exact phrase "happy hour". |
love OR hate | containing either "love" or "hate" (or both). |
beer -root | containing "beer" but not "root". |
#haiku | containing the hashtag "haiku". |
from:alexiskold | sent from person "alexiskold". |
to:techcrunch | sent to person "techcrunch". |
@mashable | referencing person "mashable". |
"happy hour" near:"san francisco" | containing the exact phrase "happy hour" and sent near "san francisco". |
near:NYC within:15mi | sent within 15 miles of "NYC". |
superhero since:2010-12-27 | containing "superhero" and sent since date "2010-12-27" (year-month-day). |
ftw until:2010-12-27 | containing "ftw" and sent up to date "2010-12-27". |
movie -scary :) | containing "movie", but not "scary", and with a positive attitude. |
flight :( | containing "flight" and with a negative attitude. |
traffic ? | containing "traffic" and asking a question. |
hilarious filter:links | containing "hilarious" and linking to URLs. |
news source:twitterfeed | containing "news" and entered via TwitterFeed |
Here's their Advanced Search form. You might also be interested in handy search bookmarklets from one of my previous posts.